Credit Card Debt Attorneys

Credit card debt is unsecured debt, that is, there is no collateral to cover the debt in the event of default or failure to pay. When an individual files Chapter 7 bankruptcy, credit card debts are almost always discharged. Although it depends on the individual circumstances, a Chapter 13 filing can eliminate some or all credit card debt as well.

Experienced Bankruptcy Lawyers

At Urban & Burt, Ltd., our bankruptcy team is led by attorney Edmund G. Urban III. With 40 years of legal experience, he counsels and represents clients in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy proceedings. Our lawyers build on his knowledge and experience to advocate for bankruptcy clients whose credit card debt has become an overwhelming burden.

The Automatic Stay Protects Credit Card Debtors From Collection Efforts

Filing either type of bankruptcy will immediately stop credit card companies from attempting to collect a debt. The bankruptcy law includes an automatic stay that prevents creditors from calling or harassing debtors, garnishing their wages or talking to their neighbors. Our attorneys help clients enforce the automatic stay against over-eager credit card companies.

Disputing the Discharge of Credit Card Debt

Credit card companies may dispute the discharge of debts in either a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. The creditor may claim that the debt was the result of fraud on the original application for a credit card. The credit card companies look for other indicators of possible fraud, including use of the card for expensive items in the days immediately preceding the bankruptcy filing or using the card when unemployed. Our attorneys advise clients about credit card use that could trigger a dispute during bankruptcy proceedings.

We also advise clients on obtaining credit after bankruptcy. Because each situation is different, how long a client must wait after bankruptcy before obtaining a new credit card varies. However, there is life after bankruptcy! Contact our credit card debt relief attorneys for more information.

Contact the Oak Forest credit card debt attorneys at 708-381-5426 to learn more about our Illinois law firm and how we help clients eliminate credit card debt. As a full-service law firm, we are also able to help clients with legal matters that may not have a bankruptcy component.

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