Experienced Parentage / Paternity Attorneys

Fathers’ Rights Attorneys

Determining paternity of a child is usually uncontested if the father is named on the birth certificate. The state assumes that the man named is the father unless a paternity action determines that he is not. When the father is not named on the birth certificate, the issue of paternity becomes more complicated. If you are the subject of a paternity action, or if you wish to determine whether a man is the father of your child or you are the biological father of the child, it is important to seek the advice of a knowledgeable family law attorney.

Procedure for Determining Parentage

At Urban & Burt, Ltd., we assist clients with paternity/parentage matters. These issues usually arise in one of two circumstances: either the father would like access to his child or children or the mother would like child support. In either instance, the procedure for determining paternity is the same.

Under Illinois law, if the parents do not agree that a man is the father of a child, the state needs to issue a finding of paternity. This is done by having the man undergo a paternity test, a simple cheek-swab that compares his DNA with the child’s. If he is shown to be the father, the state issues a finding of paternity.

This allows one parent to seek child support and custody and the other parent to seek visitation. The process unfolds in a similar way to child support and custody matters during a divorce.

Reason for Identifying Fathers: The Best Interests of the Child

Illinois law reinforces the notion that it is in the best interests of the child for both parents to be involved. The paternity/parentage process supports this, giving unmarried parents opportunities similar to those enjoyed by married parents. Our lawyers help clients with the details. Contact our Oak Forest paternity attorneys for a free 30-minute consultation. Call us at 708-381-5427 to learn how we can help with paternity and parentage.

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