About Us

Serving Southwest Chicago for 70 Years

 The law firm of Urban & Burt, Ltd. has been part of the legal community serving the South/Southwest Chicago metropolitan area for 70 years.  The law firm commenced on November 12, 1952 with the entry into private practice of Edmund G. Urban. In January 1973 the firm was licensed as a professional corporation, registered by the Supreme Court of Illinois, and assumed a corporate status. 

In Illinois, the profession specifically forbids the use of the term “specialization” (except in Patent, Copyright and Admiralty Law). Attorneys are, however, allowed to concentrate in various fields of law. 

At the law firm of Urban & Burt, Ltd, our attorneys concentrate in the following areas: 

  • Bankruptcy (Business and Personal) 
  • Corporate and Business 
  • Estate Planning (Wills and Trusts) 
  • Estate Transfer and Probate 
  • Family Law 
  • High-Tech and Internet Law 
  • Personal Injury and Tort Litigation (Serious Injuries and Wrongful Death) 
  • Real Estate (Commercial and Residential) 
  • Workers’ Compensation 

    While our attorneys exhibit expertise in certain areas of concentration, they also take an interdisciplinary approach when analyzing and solving legal problems. 

    We process all our own trial and appellate work in both the Appellate and Supreme Courts. 

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    The Community's Oldest Law Firm

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