Quality Legal Services at a Reasonable Cost

We aim to provide quality legal services at a reasonable cost. The firm of Urban & Burt, Ltd. will discuss all fees with each client during the initial conference. If the client wishes representation after a preliminary examination of the complexities and nature of the case, a written retainer agreement will be prepared setting forth the terms of representation and presented to the client for approval. Fee arrangements set forth in the retainer agreement can consist of one or more of the following:

  • Hourly fee rate
  • Flat fee (based on our expected time of completion in routine matters)
  • Contingent amount
  • Special contingent-plus-bonus arrangements

Except in contingent fee arrangements, clients will be billed monthly and payment within 10 days of presentation of the bill is expected unless other arrangements are made in advance. The fee policy of Urban & Burt, Ltd. is in strict compliance with the Illinois Code of Professional Responsibility as adopted by the Illinois Supreme Court.

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The Community's Oldest Law Firm

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