Our Blog

The Pitfalls of Filing Bankruptcy Yourself

Many people are tempted to try and save money by doing things themselves, often with the help of YouTube or…


There Is No Substitute for an Experienced Bankruptcy Attorney

At Urban & Burt, Ltd. we cannot stress enough the importance of seeking the assistance of an experienced bankruptcy attorney…


Personal Injury – Medical Bills Dilemma

After you’re involved in a personal injury accident; whether it be a motor vehicle accident, slip and fall, dog bite,…

Injury Law

Injured at Work? Now What?

If you’ve been injured at work, there are going to be a lot questions you have regarding your rights and…

Injury Law

Watch Your Step! Winter Walkway Knowledge

This time of year sidewalks, walkways, roadways, driveways, and pretty much every inch of ground we walk on is covered…

Injury Law

The Perils of Winter Driving, Especially in the Chicagoland Area

As if the potholes on every highway, side street, and alley were not bad enough! Now that winter is here,…

Injury Law

Can Bankruptcy Stop Collection of Child Support Arrearage?

While a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy can’t discharge child support obligations, there is still relief available in the Bankruptcy Court to…


Strategic Default Is Not Enough!

A hot topic in the news is the increasing use of strategic default to avoid Mortgage debts. More and more…


Discharge in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Recent questions by a client and a motion in one of our cases has led to some talk about the…


Why You Should Always Have an Attorney File Your Papers

Legal writing is a highly refined skill, taught extensively at law schools. If you need something filed in court you…


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