The Pitfalls of Filing Bankruptcy Yourself

Many people are tempted to try and save money by doing things themselves, often with the help of YouTube or other online instructions. While this can be helpful in many aspects, there are certain things that should be left up to the services of a professional. Bankruptcy is one of those things.

It is important to have a skilled bankruptcy attorney to ensure that you are taking all the proper exemptions necessary to protect your property. If any of the forms are completed incorrectly, it can result in the debtor’s home, vehicle or other property being sold by the bankruptcy trustee.

Urban & Burt, Ltd. knows from experience that trying to save money in the beginning by not seeking the assistance of a skilled and licensed bankruptcy attorney may cost the debtor greatly in the long run. If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, please contact Urban & Burt, Ltd. for a free consultation (708) 381-5426.

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