File Bankruptcy to Reinstate Your Driver's License

Is your driver’s license suspended for failing to pay parking tickets, Illinois Tollway iPass fees, or for an accident where you did not have insurance? If so, Bankruptcy can help get your license reinstated. Today, a driver’s license is not a luxury but a necessity. If you have lost your license, it may make it difficult to earn a living. A Chapter 13 plan or Chapter 7 may be able to help. While a Chapter 7 can’t discharge parking tickets or fines to get your license back, it can get your license back if it has been suspended because of an accident for which you were not covered by insurance. A Chapter 13 on the other hand, can be used to set up a repayment plan to pay all or a portion of your tickets and fines over a three to five-year period.

Bankruptcy cannot lift a suspension if moving violations are the basis for the suspension. Therefore, it is important to discuss all issues related to your license suspension with your attorney. Please remember that if your license is currently suspended, don’t drive. If you are caught driving on a suspended license, you can end up not only in jail but may create a situation where a suspension can no longer be lifted by the filing of a bankruptcy. Contact us to schedule a free consultation and have a friend or family member drive you to our office.

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