Filing Bankruptcy for Medical Debt Relief

Catastrophic medical bills are one of the most common reasons for bankruptcy. People who become ill are often unable to work, making it even more difficult to pay off their debts. At Urban & Burt, Ltd., our attorneys represent and counsel individuals who are overwhelmed with medical expenses. We help them file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy to discharge some or all of this debt.

Medical Debt Relief Attorneys

Our bankruptcy team is led by Edmund G. Urban III, an attorney with over 40 years of experience handling bankruptcy matters. We build on his knowledge and experience to provide counsel and advocacy to clients overwhelmed by medical debt. Each attorney knows that being in debt is a major source of stress. The additional stress of having a serious medical condition can make the situation overwhelming. We work hard to relieve clients of this burden.

Source of Medical Debt

Bills from hospitals, physicians, clinics, rehab specialists and home care professionals can add up very quickly, especially if there is no health insurance. However, using the Bankruptcy Code to discharge medical debt is an excellent solution for many consumers. It relieves individuals of the heavy burden of debt and helps them make a fresh start.

Unpaid Medical Bills Should Not Be a Source of Shame

Our lawyers tell clients that being in debt because of a situation outside of their control should not cause shame and embarrassment. The bankruptcy laws are intended to help people facing overwhelming debt through no fault of their own. We encourage clients to take advantage of these laws; they are almost tailor-made for our clients’ situations. Contact us at 708-381-5426 to learn more about our Illinois law firm. Find out how we help clients get out from under significant medical debt.

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