Business Organization Lawyers

The firm stresses the importance of legal consultation and planning to avoid business disputes. Often, a business owner does not seek legal advice until a lawsuit has been filed. It is far less expensive to consult with an attorney prior to making a significant business decision, such as entering into a new contract, buying or selling a business, or taking on a new partner or shareholder.

The Corporate Department of Urban & Burt, Ltd. serves as general or special counsel to entrepreneurs and to large and small businesses in all areas of commerce, privately held Sub-chapter S Corporations, Limited Liability Corporations, or publicly traded companies. Our corporate attorneys are not only experts in their fields, but they are also experienced in creative and practical problem solving. Our corporate attorneys are also experts in real estate, income and estate tax planning, and litigation to better serve the needs of our clients.

The issues facing business owners are extremely complex and the effects of erroneous decisions can be devastating. You do not have to make those decisions alone. Let Urban & Burt, Ltd., help you protect what you have worked so hard to build.

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