Child Custody and Visitation Lawyers

In cases where minor children are involved, the first and most important issue that must be addressed is child custody. The determination of custody of children certainly affects the remaining issues of a divorce proceeding, including issues of support (child and spouse), visitation rights, possession of the marital residence, personal property and debt division.

In the past, the children’s mother was generally awarded the sole care, custody and control of the parties’ offspring and the father was provided a somewhat restricted visitation schedule with the children. Today, judges are much more likely to order that the parties retain joint custody of their children with one parent being classified as the “primary residential parent” and the other parent being awarded quite liberal residential times with the children.

In fact, given the many problems facing families today (two parent careers, drug and alcohol abuse problems), it is not uncommon for the judge to consider the father as the primary residential parent of the parties’ children. A typical visitation schedule for the non-custodial parent would minimally include alternate weekends, a mid-week visit from after school until an hour before the children’s bedtime, alternating holidays and several weeks during the children’s summer vacation from school. This type of visitation schedule would be adjusted to reflect the circumstances of the parties involved such as the parent’s work schedules, the ages and activities of the children and such other visitation times as agreed to by the parties. The single most important difference between joint custody and sole custody awards is the decision-making process over the major issues affecting the children.

In sole custody awards, the custodial parent is awarded the exclusive decision-making authority over all issues concerning the physical or mental well-being of the children. In contrast, a joint custody award allows both parents to have equal input over the decisions affecting the children and, if the parents are unable to agree, then the parties will be required to mediate their differences outside of the court system with a pre-selected mediator. Only when this mediation process fails, will the parties’ dispute spill over into the court system for the judge’s determination on same.

It is important to realize that disputes over custody and/or visitation rights will usually put the parties and their children in the middle of a bitterly contested and expensive custody battle. When custody litigation occurs, the judge will routinely order the parties to submit to one or more of the following procedures as part of the evaluation process toward the ultimate determination of which parent will be awarded the custody of children:

  • Court ordered formal mediation of custody/visitation disputes
  • The appointment of guardian and attorney for the children
  • Psychiatric evaluations of the parents and children
  • A study of each parent’s home by a court investigator

It is generally best for all individuals concerned if the parents are able to agree upon issues of custody and visitation rather than submitting this extremely emotional issue to a judge for a final determination.

Handling Relocation and Custody Agreements

Child custody can be the most challenging part of divorce for couples with children. Moreover, judges do not award primary custody to the mother automatically. Rather, the court measures the proposed custody arrangements against the best interests of the child. This can mean a variety of different arrangements.

At Urban & Burt, Ltd., our lawyers handle custody disputes during divorce. We also undertake custody modifications when parents (or older children) seek to change the arrangements. It is important to get the custody arrangement right the first time, as the solutions to other matters in the divorce depend on the resolution of custody. For example, child support, visitation rights, possession of the marital home, and property and debt division can be affected by custody decisions. An experienced attorney can ensure that none of these issues are forgotten when trying to determine the best custody arrangements.

Visitation Attorneys

Because determining child custody usually involves designating a primary custodial parent, the noncustodial parent will typically receive substantial visitation rights. This can vary depending on the parents’ work schedules and other considerations, but visitation minimally includes alternate weekends, mid-week visits, alternating holidays and some weeks during the summer. The precise details of visitation depend on the situations of the parents and the preferences of the child, if the child is older.

Joint Custody vs. Sole Custody

Joint custody does not necessarily mean that the child lives with both parents equally. Rather, it means that both parents will make joint decisions about the child’s life. This can include matters such as religion, where the child goes to school, medical treatment and other parental decisions about the life and welfare of the child. Sole custody means that one parent makes the decisions about the child, even if both parents have regular involvement in the child’s life.

Helping Clients Work Out Child Custody Problems

It is always best for parents to try to work out custody arrangements between themselves with the help of their lawyers, rather than having a judge make the determination. This type of dispute can become hard on all parties involved, especially the children. If the parents cannot agree, they may be ordered by the court to participate in formal mediation. The judge may order the appointment of a guardian ad litem, psychiatric evaluation and home studies. Our attorneys work hard to help our clients avoid judicial intervention in their custody disputes. Contact our child custody attorneys for a free 30-minute consultation. Call us at 708-381-5427 to learn how we help clients act in the best interests of their children. We serve communities such as Harvey, Park Forest and Bridgeview.

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