Child Support Lawyers

In the vast majority of cases, the non-custodial parent will be required to pay child support to the custodial parent as well as contribute to the payment of such other expenses as medical insurance and related expenses, education costs and child day-care. The actual amount of the support payments in any given case will vary depending on the number of minor children in the marriage, the parties’ respective incomes, asset and debt levels and the individual needs of the parties involved. At Urban & Burt, Ltd., we utilize the latest in computer programs specifically designed to assist the attorneys in calculating child support obligations while taking full advantage of all allowable income tax deductions.

In some circumstances, it is possible to deviate from the child support guidelines. Deviations, to be accepted by the court, must be justified and the court needs to make specific findings. Our attorneys, when proposing a deviation, make sure that the petition is supported by the evidence and the reasons for a deviation are clear.

An example of a deviation might be that one parent pays less support in return for an agreement to pay for summer camp or private school. Or a parent may pay more child support and pay college expenses. We make sure that our clients’ rights are protected when deviating from the child support guidelines.

Paying or receiving child support can be contentious. In most cases, the noncustodial parent will pay child support to the custodial parent. He or she will also contribute to costs such as health insurance, day care and the cost of education and extracurricular fees. Arriving at the precise amount can be challenging, requiring both parties to provide accurate information about income, expenses and debts. It is important that divorcing parents have knowledgeable attorneys to guide them through the process of determining child support. Otherwise, they may pay too much or receive too little.

Issues in Child Support Calculations

At Urban & Burt, Ltd., our lawyers help clients navigate child support and arrive at determinations that work. We make sure that all factors, both economic and noneconomic, are included in the calculations. Examples of noneconomic factors include the number of children and their needs. These and all other factors are considered when using the state child support guidelines to arrive at the right amount.

Deviations From Child Support Guidelines

In some circumstances, it is possible to deviate from the child support guidelines. Deviations, to be accepted by the court, must be justified and the court needs to make specific findings. Our attorneys, when proposing a deviation, make sure that the petition is supported by the evidence and the reasons for a deviation are clear.

An example of a deviation might be that one parent pays less child support in return for an agreement to pay for summer camp or private school. Or a parent may pay more child support and pay college expenses. We make sure that our clients’ rights are protected when deviating from the child support guidelines.

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