Telecommunications Attorneys

Urban & Burt, Ltd. has attorneys both in house and of-counsel that can provide representation and guidance in a wide array of issues relating to telecommunications companies or dealing with them. We have for over 25 years provided representation to CLEC’s, Fiber Optic Carriers, Network Carriers and Data Center Operators. Whether you are such a business or have an interaction with those businesses, we can provide legal guidance and representation in that arena.

If you are new to the Telcom business, it is essential that you have guidance from a skilled team who understand the industry. Not only can we provide legal assistance, but through our professional relationships we can provide a wide range of guidance in the telecom industry from tower construction to fiber optic networks.

Whether you need assistance with FCC licensing, guidance with filing FCC Form 499-A and other requirements, we can assist.

If you need guidance in negotiating contracts with cellular carriers or easements or right of entry agreements with fiber optic carriers, we have experience in those areas and can assist. It is important that before entering into any such contracts a skilled attorney should fully review them. Call Urban & Burt, Ltd, for a free consultation at 708-687-5200.

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