Child Injury Lawyers

As a parent, there is nothing worse than the experience of your child suffering an injury due to the negligence of another party. Urban & Burt, Ltd. is committed to holding individuals and corporations responsible for any harm they inflict on innocent children.

Holding individuals and Companies Accountable for Injuries to Minors

In our role as advocates for injured children, we frequently take on additional challenges as we attempt to decipher what really happened in cases where the children may be unable to articulate the details of the circumstances surrounding their injuries.

After using those details to reconstruct the scene of the incident, we seek out all of the evidence needed to prove the responsible individual or corporation’s liability. Our dedicated child injury lawyers work to secure the most favorable resolution in all of our cases with the understanding that the recovery we secure may be necessary to compensate the child for the remainder of his or her life.

Experienced Child Injury Attorneys

Child injury cases can include instances of any of the following kinds of damage: sexual abuse, dangerous products, motor vehicle accidents, day care injuries, dog bite attacks, foster care abuse, drowning accidents, birth injury, carnival ride injury, and trampoline injury to name just a few.

Unique Considerations for Accident Cases Involving Minors

The immediate and long-term impact of an event or incident on a child must be considered in all personal injury and medical negligence cases involving children. In cases involving common childhood injuries such as fractures or closed head injuries, it is crucial that the injuries be assessed to determine their future impact on the child as he or she matures into adulthood.

Long term ramifications of injuries on the growth, development and mental well-being of children are often overlooked, and it is our goal to detect and assess all of the current and potential complications that have resulted from each injury and could manifest themselves later on in life.

As Illinois accident attorneys who represent babies, infants and toddlers in different forms of medical negligence and personal injury scenarios, Urban & Burt, Ltd. lawyers are always mindful of how injuries may impact the child in the future and regularly seek out some of the leading specialists in the fields of pediatric neurology, orthopedics and neuropsychology to assist in fully assessing our clients’ strengths and deficits.

Going the extra step for our personal injury cases involving children frequently can result in an excellent recovery that can truly help a child receive the care that they may require to live a meaningful life.

Local Child Injury Attorneys

Watchful eyes of the Illinois courts going the extra step to protect children in personal injury and medical negligence settlements.

All Illinois verdicts and settlements involving cases for minors exceeding small amounts must be approved by a judge to ensure the fairness of the settlement. In most child injury cases, an estate or trust is opened where the funds are held in an interest-bearing account until the child reaches the age of majority or until the disability has been lifted. This is an additional procedural step, but it is just one more way in which the law works to protect innocent children from harm.

In every child injury case we take, we are sensitive to how the legal process may impact the child. Every effort is made to accommodate the child’s best interest and minimize the trauma caused from pursuing a lawsuit, with special efforts made to reduce the number of court appearances, physical examinations by doctors, and anything else that may contribute to negative experiences. If your child suffered a significant injury, contact Urban & Burt, Ltd. today to take the first step towards protecting your child’s interests.

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