Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Regardless of whether you ride a Harley or a Honda, motorcyclists remain at risk for some of the most severe injuries of any group that uses our roads and highways. Our South Suburban Chicago area motorcycle accident lawyers recognize that the failure of other drivers to keep a proper lookout or distance between their vehicle and motorcyclists is frequently the cause of serious injuries to motorcyclists.

Vulnerable Motorcyclists at Risk for Serious Injury or Death From Other Drivers’ Negligence

Motorcycle accidents caused 5,579 fatalities in 2020. The fatality rate increased by over 11% over 2019 with substantially less drivers on the roads in 2020 due to Covid19. Although there are more motorcycles on the road, the fatality rate has increased disproportionately to the increase in licensed motorcycles.

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, in a little over 10 years, the number of motorcycles on the road went up 63%, but the number of fatalities more than doubled during the same period. While efforts are being made to make the roads safer for motorcycle riders, there is still substantial danger to Chicago motorcycle riders from the larger vehicles that they share the road with every day.

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports that in the last 35 years, the majority of motorcycle fatalities are due to multiple vehicle crashes. In 2009-2010, 55% of these fatalities involved another vehicle crashing with a motorcycle.

Experienced Motorcycle Injury Attorneys

As Chicago area personal injury attorneys, Urban & Burt, Ltd. understands that injuries sustained in motorcycle accidents forever change the lives of those who are injured. Our commitment to injured motorcyclists has been recognized in the motorcycling community in Chicago and the suburbs, as former clients refer many injured riders.

Life Changing Motorcycle Accidents Can Impact a Rider & Their Family

A motorcycle accident may result in substantial medical expenses and the inability to work resulting in a significant financial impact for both the individual and family. In cases involving significant damages, we will retain experts in particular fields that can help assess the significance of the injuries to decision makers at an insurance company or jurors hearing the matter at trial.

Without much protection, common injuries impacting Illinois motorcyclists include:

  • Fractures
  • Lacerations
  • Brain Injury
  • Back/Neck Injuries
  • Loss of Limbs
  • Death

More Evidence of Severe Injuries From Chicago Motorcycle Crashes

In a ten-year study, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration determined the most common injury sustained in a motorcycle accident was lower extremity (leg) injury, referring to body areas including and below the pelvic region (hip, pelvis, legs, knees, ankles and feet). Forty-seven percent of the injured motorcyclists had at least one lower-body injury.

However, injuries to the upper body and head tended to be more serious in nature. Thirty-five percent had head injuries that were rated at a much more severe level. The chance of a traumatic brain injury is high in any blow to the head region that can have long-lasting effects on the victim’s quality of life.

Medical Bills From Motorcycle Accidents Can Result in Financial Hardship

The average cost for the hospital charges for injuries sustained in 2003-2005 in this study was over $65,000, which does not include the costs that were incurred after release from the hospital, which can be substantial. All the costs from the immediate medical care required after an accident and the care that will be required in the future need to be taken into consideration in these types of injury motorcycle accidents. In a 2021 Motorcycle injury case handled by Urban & Burt, Ltd. the initial hospital bill exceeded $70,000.00.

Regardless of where your accident occurred, we can help you recover the maximum compensation for your injuries.

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