Truck Injury & Accident Lawyers

Mile for mile, large trucks have a much higher rate of accidents than cars. Our Chicago area semi-truck accident attorneys know that when looking at truck-accident statistics on a national level, the damage caused in terms of resulting injuries and deaths should be a real concern to everyone who shares the road with these large vehicles.

Large trucks, those with gross vehicle weights of over 10,000 pounds, accounted for 3,675 fatalities and over 80,000 injuries in 2010. Only 25% of the fatalities were occupants of large vehicles. The rest were either drivers or passengers in other vehicles, pedestrians, or on some other mode of transportation. When these trucks crash into anything around them, they are far more dangerous to others than to those behind the wheel.

Size has a lot to do with the extent of damage that trucks cause to occupants of other vehicles when they collide. The forces exerted on the occupants of a car involved in a collision with a truck are far more significant than any other type of vehicle on the roadway.

Injuries Resulting From Crashes With Large Trucks

The resulting forces for people involved in semi-truck cases can be significant and cause significant injuries, such as: herniated cervical and lumbar discs, complex bone fractures, internal injuries, injuries to arms and legs, closed head injuries and death.

Correlation Between Size of Truck & Severity of Crash

Although semi-trailer trucks may be the first ones to come to mind when you think of large trucks, they are far from the only dangerous large vehicles on the road. Other large trucks such as: dump trucks, garbage trucks, delivery trucks, and cement or tow trucks actually cause more fatalities per mile driven than semi-trailers.

In a study done at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, fatal crashes involving large trucks were looked at for a five-year period, with over 25,000 accidents. Although semi-trailers did account for over 60% of the total fatalities, this was attributed to the high miles accumulated. Dump trucks actually had the highest fatality rate per mile driven followed by sweeper, garbage and logging trucks. Semi-trailers came eighth overall when fatalities were listed per mile.

Illinois Interstates: Prime Target for Serious Accidents With Significant Injuries

Illinois, even though by far it is not the largest state from a geographical perspective, has one of the largest interstate highway systems in the U.S. With over 2,100 miles of interstates intersecting the state, Illinois ranks third in the nation for interstate highway miles. This large expanse of highways also means many large commercial vehicles traveling the roads next to smaller passenger vehicles at high rates of speed.

In a study done by the National Center for Statistics and Analysis, fatalities involving large trucks were looked at over a five-year period. Illinois ranked 8th in fatalities for combination trailer trucks and 11th in the nation for single unit truck fatalities. With so many miles of highway and Chicago being a transportation hub for the nation, Illinois residents are at a high risk for being involved in a large truck accident.

Differences Between Truck Accident Cases and Other Motor Vehicle Injury Cases

The significance of the resulting injuries, compounded with the significant exposure put upon corporate defendants, typically results in insurance companies vigorously defending truck accident cases through the course of litigation and trial.

In addition to evaluating a claim against the driver of the truck involved in the accident, the attorneys at Urban & Burt also examine the liability on the part of the employer of the driver and companies involved in the transportation of the goods on board the truck to determine all culpable parties with the goal of maximizing the recovery on every trucking accident case.

The Importance of Hiring a Law Firm With a Successful Track Record of Record Setting Recoveries in Truck Accident Cases

At Urban & Burt, Ltd we treat each trucking injury case as though it is going to trial. During our initial case evaluation, lawyers will assess the complexity of each case and determine what investigation is needed and if consultation with experts would benefit the case, with the ultimate goal of securing the most favorable outcome for our client via: settlement, mediation or trial. These extra steps commonly result in our clients’ cases getting resolved more expeditiously than similar cases in Cook County and typically for a more substantial amount. For over six decades we have represented clients injured by negligent truckers recovering millions of dollars for our clients.

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