Probate and Estate Transfer and Administration­­

The law firm of Urban & Burt, Ltd has extensive experience in representing our clients in both probate and non-probate estate transfers. Whether the deceased had a will or other estate plan, Urban & Burt, Ltd. can assist in the administration and accounting for assets of the estate whether through the court or outside of probate, if the applicable law and estate planning so allows.

Probate is the court process of settling one’s affairs after their death. The process provides for an appointment of an estate Executor if the decedent has a will or an Administrator if the decedent passed without a valid will. Based on the provisions of the will or on Illinois law the creditors are paid and the assets distributed to the heirs or legatees.

Upon the death of a family member, it is important to talk to our experienced probate attorneys to determine if it is necessary to open a probate estate or if an asset transfer can be accomplished outside of the probate court. Certain assets such as property in a trust, property jointly owned or with designated beneficiaries can pass without the necessity or probate. Prior to death it’s important to talk to the estate planning attorneys at Urban & Burt, Ltd. so we can set up a trust to avoid the complexities of probate.

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