Schedule an Appointment With an Attorney

The first step you should take when a family member passes is to schedule an appointment with an attorney skilled in handling probate estates. Urban & Burt, Ltd. has attorneys skilled in estate administration, whether through the courts with probate or out of court estate or trust administration.

Before the meeting you should gather all relevant documents for the meeting. They include:

  • Death Certificate
  • Original will, if the decedent left a will
  • Trust Documents
  • A complete list of all children, spouse, grandchildren, siblings and parents of the decedent who may be possible heirs, and their addresses and phone numbers
  • Documents relating to a home or other real estate owned by the decedent
  • Deeds
  • Title Insurance Policies
  • Mortgage documents
  • Bank account information and statements
  • Insurance policies
  • Retirement, IRA, 401K or other annuity statements
  • Copies of all bills or amounts due to creditors
  • Information on any business ventures the decedent was involved in

Once we have had an opportunity to sit down with you, in a free no obligation consultation, we can further advise you whether a probate estate may be required to be opened or whether the estate can be settled without the necessity of court assistance.

Request a Free Consultation

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